Sunday, November 22, 2009
Lacoste x Married to the Mob
Photographs From Yesteryear
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Studio Arts Finals - Naivety, Nostalgia & Time
Each colour is symbolic of a different emotion that we all experience in life including happiness, love and grief. Furthermore, I drew a pattern of roots/veins that represents the connectivity we have with our family and with each other as we simultaneously endure the highs and lows of the human condition.
The shape of the circle has been extremely important as in many cultures it is known to symbolize life; ‘the circle of life’. Upon the floor there are lanterns to show the light and warmth of our family’s presence, rice to represent an offering to those that have passed away, and salt to symbolise tears and whispers of time as it passes. I have chosen to include a mirror to urge viewers to look into the bottom mirror and to feel the magnetism as their image multiples.
This reflection has been a core focus, as I believe through the reflection of ourselves we also understand how significant how family has been in shaping who we are. This is expressed through the words ‘to reflect upon me is to reflect upon you’. I have used various reflective materials such as beads and silver string to show that from this reflection we gain glimmers of light as memories come into our consciousness. There are many short and sweet sentences upon these textile-based discs that further communicate the concept of naivety as shown through childlike dialogue as the viewer looks at the artwork.
I hope that my audience will take my very personal representation of this reflection I have gone through in creating these artworks and look upon their own lives with positivity, as even in the darkest of times there is light.
© Copyright 2009 by Celeste Watson
VCD Finals - InDeed
Title: ‘The Elizabeth Scarf’
Final Presentation 1:
Sculptural Scarf and Textile Design
Final Presentation 2:
Logo and Swingtag
Media and Materials: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, stencil paper, scalpel, fabric paint, silkscreen, squeegee, inkjet applicable cotton, inkjet printer, adhesive bond, cotton, polyester blend fabric, sewing machine, elastic, eyelets, cord pullers and gloss photo paper.
InDeed’s winter collection was themed ‘A Modern Day Elizabeth’. I had to recontextualize the traditional ruff evident in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I to fit the lifestyle of busy women aged 18-30 who often require adaptable garments. Through the use of contemporary compositions of Big Ben and drawstrings I reinterpreted this look for 2010.
This project is what I am most proud of this year in regards to folios. I plan to sew lots of these scarfs in 2010 and sell them. More on that to come...
Much love to my beautiful model Nabilah Nordin and assistant stylist Hugo Ross.
© Copyright 2009 by Celeste Watson
VCD Finals - Converse
© Copyright 2009 by Celeste Watson